Periodic cleans will make sure no buildups and blockages that can cause leaks.
Annual Inspections with certificates to ensure safe access to your roof.
Annual testing and certification making your building safe from lightning strikes.
We cannot stress enough the importance of a clean gutter. Gutters are installed to allow proper roof drainage. If these become blocked with debris, it will inevitably lead to a degradation of your roof which will over time cause leaks.
Having your gutters maintained yearly, is a far less cost than fixing a leaking roof.
At Eurotech Roof Maintenance, we specialize in industrial and commercial gutter cleaning.
Our highly skilled and qualified team are here to ensure our clients needs are met, and to a quality standard.
The difference between us and regular gutter cleaners, is that we are qualified to work at heights, combined with qualifications in Mobile Elevated Working Platforms. So the sky really is our limit!
We are based in South Wales, but operate Nationwide UK. We have returning clients from all over the country.
Why not give us a call to find out how Eurotech can help you?